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Thank you for your support!

August 2010

Another Casco Days have come to a close and fall is fast approaching.  We wish to take just a moment from your remaining summer hours to say “THANK YOU”.  If not for your generosity, Casco Days would not have had the wonderfully successful Bonus Prize Booth.

When all was said and done, because of you, our Bonus Prize ticket sales far exceeded any in the recent past.  We want to be certain you know how very grateful we are to you.

As we begin to look forward to planning for the 77th Casco Days of 2011, we hope we will be able to count on you again.  Please keep Casco Days in mind as you plan for your donation budget for 2011. 

 Again, we cannot possible express our true gratitude to you other than to say “THANK YOU”.


Holly Hancock


Casco Fire Association

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